[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1ZWxic6uxU?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]

I did a talk at TEDxBrisbane about some of my audiovisual compositions, then Nonsemble played my BMX piece. They played really well!

It was hard to explain the ideas behind the piece in such a short time without being allowed to get nerdy. But it was a really good exercise in boiling things down - looking at my music and asking “what is this? why is it interesting?”. I feel weirdly apprehensive about not having time to give a proper nod to Cowell and Reich and Schillinger etc, but that’s probably just the academic in me - terrified of hecklers demanding references from the back row. On the other hand I still find it genuinely surprising that such a broad audience would enjoy this music, and be interested in the mechanics of how it is made. And that I was invited to present at all!

Thanks TEDxBrisbane organisers for the opportunity and to the excellent individuals in Nonsemble, who worked hard to pull this piece together and totally nailed it on the day.

